The athletic event for today is Track Broncos @ Burroughs. The event will begin at 10am. Go Broncos!

The athletic event for today is VAR girls softball Broncos @ Immanuel Christian. The game will begin at 3:15pm. Go Broncos!

Tomorrow Friday March 7th, is a Staff Development Day, there will be no school. We hope you enjoy your three day weekend!

The athletic event for today is Golf Broncos @ Bishop Country Club. The game will begin at 12pm. Go Broncos!

The athletic event for today is JV & VAR boys baseball @ Burroughs. Both games will begin at 3:15pm. Go Broncos!

The athletic event for today is Golf @ China Lake Golf Course vs Burroughs, it will begin at 12pm. Go Broncos!

Tomorrow Saturday March 1st, the athletic event is Girls Basketball Division 5 Championship @ Selland Arena in Fresno vs Rosamond. Doors will open at 9am, all tickets will be sold through GoFan. A GoFan box office will be available for onsite credit card sales. There will not be a cash option available to purchase tickets.
General Admission Ticket Pricing: Adults: $18.00 Students: $12.00
All seating is general admission and on a first-come first-serve basis.
Tune in to KIBS radio, for live coverage of the girls' basketball game! It will be LIVE on 1230 AM KBOV, or you can stream it on kibskbov.com

The athletic event for today is Golf @ Bishop Country Club vs Burroughs. The game will begin at 12pm, we hope to see you there. Go Broncos!

Congratulations to girls basketball for defeating Strathmore 30-26! They will now go to the Division 5 Championship at Selland Arena in Fresno on March 1st at 10 AM.

The athletic game for today is CIF Girls Basketball @ Strathmore! The game will begin at 5pm. CIF requires charging admission of $10 for general admission and $5 for students and senior citizens. Tickets should be purchased on Gofan.co.

The athletic game for today is CIF girls soccer vs Templeton. The game will begin at 3pm. CIF requires charging admission of $10 for general admission and $5 for students and senior citizens. Tickets should be purchased on Gofan.co.

The athletic game for today is CIF Girls Basketball @ Parlier! The game will begin at 5pm. CIF requires charging admission of $10 for general admission and $5 for students and senior citizens. Tickets should be purchased on Gofan.co.

Attention Families & Staff - All BUSD Schools will be on a LATE START DAY today, Thursday Feb 13th. Additional notifications and details to follow in the next couple of hours.

There will be no school tomorrow Friday, 2/14, and Monday, 2/17, in observance of Presidents' Day.

The athletic game for today is Boys Soccer Broncos vs Mojave. The game will begin at 3pm. Go Broncos!

The athletic game for today is Basketball Broncos @ Boron. The JV girls game will begin at 3pm. The JV boys game will begin at 4:30pm. The VAR girls game will begin at 6pm and the VAR boys game will begin at 7:30pm. Go Broncos!

The athletic game for today is Basketball Broncos @ Cal City. The VAR girls game will begin at 5:30pm and the VAR boys game will begin at 7pm. Go Broncos!

The athletic game for today is Soccer Broncos vs Cal City. The girls soccer game will begin at 3pm and the boys soccer game will begin at 5pm. Go Broncos!

We will be holding another Cash 4 College Workshop on 02/26/2025 from 5:30-7:00pm in the BSC. If you or your parents are still struggling please come to this as we will have people from the Student Aid Commission here. For more information please look at the Senior guidance page or stop by the counseling office.

The athletic game for today is Soccer Broncos vs Desert. The girls soccer game will begin at 3pm and the boys soccer game will begin at 5pm. Go Broncos!