We are a School of Choice. It is a privilege to be enrolled here at Palisade Glacier High School.
What we do and who we are at Palisade Glacier will be supported by this foundation of respect for all staff and students.
If you feel you are not being treated with respect, we will work on solving the problem together calmly and respectfully.
At school every day, working hard, earning credits. Earning credit here is different from traditional High Schools. (Credit recovery model, 70% or better, you earn it - you keep it, 6 blocks/grading periods.) We expect our students to have self-control and to persevere when tasks are difficult. These habits will serve you well in school and in the workplace.
Extra Credit: If you desire to earn more credit than that offered during the school day, there are additional ways to do so:
1) Participate in after school field trips, 2) Request homework once you qualify (at school 10 days in a row, working hard, with good behavior), 3) Request to attend Cerro Coso for concurrent enrollment. If you qualify and pass the course, you may earn high school AND college credit, (3 college credits = 10 HS credits), 4) Work experience (40 hours of work = 1 credit)
Do not distract others from their education. Stay on task in class so you and others may make progress towards graduation. Take responsibility for your actions (right your wrongs, have the courage to admit you made a mistake), work with others to solve problems rather than creating a bigger problem.
Keep our campus clean—it’s a privilege to go to school in such a beautiful environment. Treat our environment including plants and animals with respect. Keep classrooms clean. Put recyclables in recycle bins, garbage in garbage cans. Also, respect the learning environment in the classroom by contributing to class discussions and focusing on your work so others can too.
Open drinks and food go in trash off bus. Water only is allowed in classrooms. Lunches may be stored in the office.
Backpacks and purses are not needed—if you bring them they must remain on the bus or in the office.
Dress must be respectful of self and others. No references to drugs, sex, alcohol, tobacco, gangs. Underwear must be covered.
Cell phones, other electronic devices, and earbuds must be off and away in the classroom. No speakers on campus.
Evidence of being on track to meet your goals is required. This starts with a problem-solving approach but may eventually lead to more serious consequences such as a change in school placement, revoking an inter-district transfer, or SARB.
Defiance and/or disrespect may result in suspension from class, parent conference, and/or a mandatory behavior/counseling contract. Suspension from school may result if other interventions fail to bring about change. Know that if you commit any of the suspendable or expellable acts mentioned in California Ed. Code 48900, your enrollment privilege may be revoked. In continuation school, you may be suspended for the remainder of the year if warranted. If a student is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, testing may be done on site; sheriff and/or probation officer will be notified. Parent/guardian will also be notified but it may not be prior to the law enforcement call.
PGHS students are not allowed on the BUHS campus (or other HS campuses) except for public events and use of the Health Clinic.
Summer School _________________________________ Career plans, interests? _______________________________
Other: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

I agree to all of the above standards and statements, and I agree to abide by and implement them to my best ability. I know that if I fail to adhere to any of the above standards it will result in consequences to right the wrong and possibly additional consequences. I understand it is a privilege to attend Palisade Glacier High School and know that I may lose this privilege if I make the wrong choices. I intend to make the right choices to respect myself, others, and the entire Palisade Glacier environment.
STUDENT: _____________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN: ______________________________________________________
PRINCIPAL: _________________________________
TEACHERS: ____________________________________________